maandag 2 augustus 2010

Amega AMwand for pain relief of all kind.

Unique Amega Global AMwand pain relief product now available to all who Care!

AMwand for Pain Relief of all kinds, wouldn’t we all like to just wave a magic wand and have instant changes take place for the better?

The Amega AMwand is getting quite the buzz especially now that it’s been newly introduced into the USA.

This futuristic wellness tool, AMEGA’s AMwand is a natural life force energy generating tool which is technically-engineered with 12 special minerals structurally bonded and energized using a proprietary AMizedTM Fusion Technology.

The AMizedTM Fusion Technology causes a catalytic energy conversion creating a long lasting (10,000 years) AMizedTM resonance that is in line with our body’s frequency.

The AMwand has the ability to transfer and rejuvenate the molecular structures of all liquids or matter.

The AMizedTM resonance is a healing energy that our body requires in order to cleanse, charge and rejuvenate ourselves. As you can see it looks quite like a normal pen. This 25 year researched proprietary technology provides a field of zero point energy, where the cells within the body are reminded of their master blueprint that encourages perfection and self-healing.

All the potential uses for the Amega AMwand on all living material, be it plant, animal or human, can be left up to the imagination of the user, because what is taking place is an increase in flow of new and useful information,along with energy, nutrients and waste in and out of cells of all origins.

The use of the AMwand is very simple. Just point it close to whatever you are wanting to see a change in, and wave it clock-wise on the body, for several minutes or longer depending on the changes and that’s it. Have the client close their eyes and listen to their voice within while allowing the body to remember what it was like at zero point or source.

There are so many uses. When wanding the water you normally drink, it becomes more of a solvent, more penetrable with less surface tension, getting to places in the body regular water cannot get to. Better hydration is only 1 of many benefits. Added hydration can reduce stress, anxiety and depression and deliver nutrients to cells in a more efficient manner.

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